
Does LemmaSwap have a token?

Besides USDL & synthetic tokens - LemmaSwap does NOT currently have a token.

What are the fees?

For traders:

  • LemmaSwap currently charges a 0.3% swap fee.

For liquidity providers:

  • If you mint USDL or synthetic tokens, you may be charged a 0.3% fee if minted with different assets. For example:

    • Minting USDL with USDC will not incur any fees, but minting it with ETH, wBTC or other assets will.

    • Minting synthetic ETH (ETH*) with spot ETH will not incur any fees, but minting it with USDL or USDC will.

  • These fees will show up as your earnings being slightly negative initially.

LemmaSwap does NOT charge any "management" fees either. The protocol allocates a portion (30%) of the liquidity provider profits to its insurance fund & treasury. To learn more about why this is necessary please read our risk section.

What are some of the risks involved?

As with any financial tool, there are always risks to be aware of. Here are a few of the main ones for this specific protocol:

  • Perpetual futures markets are only functional as long as liquidations of traders are executed fast enough. This means that if a perpetual futures DEX LemmaSwap has integrated with does a forced settlement of their markets, LemmaSwap liquidity providers may incur a loss.

  • While the max losses caused by funding rates are capped, if they are superior to the spot trading fees generated, LemmaSwap liquidity providers will incur a loss.

  • LemmaSwap is audited but the risk of an exploit happening is never 0%.

As always, please do your own research and decide for yourself. To learn more about the risks involved read our risk and smart contracts sections.

Does LemmaSwap have investors?

Yes! We're lucky to have been able to raise from:

  • Dragonfly and Standard Crypto with participation from Nascent, Multicoin, Coinbase Ventures, Robot Ventures (Tarun Chitra & Robert Leshner), Folius, Wintermute, Kronos, GSR, MCDEX and Perpetual Protocol

  • Our angels include Matteo Leibowitz, Max Bronstein, Jonathan Wu, Nick Chong, Mika Honkasalo, Julian Koh, Greg Tusar, Vijay Chetty, Eric Chen, Yenwen Feng, Nick Tong, Francesco Agosti, Craig Lemens, Ivangbi, Nick Pappageorge, Sam Bobley and Vikas Dua

  • Additionally, we were incubated by EI Ventures

LemmaSwap is not available to residents of Belarus, the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Democratic Peopleโ€™s Republic of Korea, the Crimea region of Ukraine, Cuba, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Syria, the USA, Yemen, and Zimbabwe.

Where can I ask further questions about LemmaSwap?

If you have any questions about hiring, support etc. please send a Discord admin a message or reach us at [email protected] and we'll be in touch very soon.

Last updated